Jornada de plantación en Coín con la Cátedra de Cambio Climático de la UMA

Planting day in Coín with the UMA Chair of Climate Change

2 September, 2024

We held in our farm in Coín a day of collaboration with the University of Málaga

A few months ago, we celebrated in our farm in Coín a planting day that was a great success. In collaboration with the UMA Chair of Climate Change, we invited a whole team of researchers. We also shared concepts, ideas and knowledge directed towards all the bioclimatic research being carried out in relation to this piece of land.

A space as special as this one allows us to explore ideas in practice. The Chair of Climate Change at the University of Malaga, led by Dr. Enrique Salvo Tierra, takes great advantage of this opportunity. It is the perfect scenario to bring the tests, experiments and measurements from the laboratory to the field.

The work of this team revolves around addressing bioclimatic challenges, both those we are already facing and those we will face in the future according to predictions and the trajectory of the climate crisis. All the information that researchers can gather thanks to the work carried out in our experimental farmland in Coín is of great value to all parties involved.

A space recovered for research and for nature

In our farm in Coín we have carried out an ecological recovery work of more than one hectare which is part of our general compensatory measurements. Thanks to the advice we received, through knowledge and respect for nature, we have seen the area revive.

In this area, as our expert collaborator and researcher of the Climate Change Chair Pedro Miguel Guerrero tells us, no chemical products are used. In less time than we thought, we have seen the area repopulated by native populations of foxes, martens and badgers.

The ecosystem thrives, and also gives us the opportunity to test in it, in a non-invasive way, the hypotheses and ideas that are emerging to work on climate challenges with Nature-Based Solutions.

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