Sustainable production from the Guadalquivir’s sediments: todobarro’s project in Seville

17 July, 2024

todobarro has made an alliance with Portuary Authority of Seville to reuse the sludges of the harbor and destine them to the production of neo-artisanal materials based in nature

Over the last few years we’ve heard a lot about circular economy. This concept, that is born as an sustainable production alternative, takes its bet on the reusing of materials and existing resources. This is the starting point of the project we’ve started along with the Portuary Authority of Seville (PAS). The material to give new life to: the Guadalquivir’s sludges.

The seed is planted: todobarro and the PAS have signed a collaboration agreement to reuse the sediments from the Guadalquivir river to bioclimatic innovations for the harbor of Seville. A task that starts with the analysis of the extracted material from the maintenance dredging works that the PAS routinely carries out. The goal is to find sustainable and reliable ways to produce Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB) and neo-artisanal ceramics. Here is where the expertise of todobarro comes into play.

Working With Nature

todobarro will work with the deposited sludge in the harbor’s terrains. Specifically, on the site called Butano, a municipality located within the municipality of Dos Hermanas. It is planned that this sustainable solution will be implemented on future Port Urban District land by APS.

According to the agreement, which will stand for four years, the psa will facilitate the collecting of these materials that will be delivered to todobarro for analysis, research and its Working with nature.

For its part, the PAS will also process the file for the concession of an ECOTEJAR (Ceramic Research Center for Bioclimatic Uses) in the nearby service area. todobarro will work there to produce the blocks of pressed earth.

Towards sustainability from innovation

This project takes this company one step further on the implementation of good environmental practices at the harbor of Seville. The philosophy “Working with Nature” has earned the PAS the 2020 Environment Award from the Government of Andalucia within the modality of Preservation, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development. The featured projects were the creation of new wetlands for the aquatic birdlife and the regeneration of the beaches in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

In the context of the agreement, the PAS is committed to collaborating in the development of actions for the study, research, analysis and the carryout of testing. PAS President, Rafael Carmona, emphasized the “commitment of the Port of Seville to sustainability, fomenting innovating initiatives that integrate circular economy, neo craftsmanship and bioclimatism”.

On this occasion, we are happy to ride along for the journey on this new path whose end is to apply a circular economy approach on this space. This will be materialized in the creation of sustainable materials like mud and ceramics. We will keep you posted on this great adventure!

Producción sostenible desde los sedimentos del Guadalquivir: el proyecto de todobarro en Sevilla
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