Combined formats

Our geometry system allows infinite combinations of basic formats. Here is our selection, which is only a part of the possibilities offered.

Craftsmanship and technology

We work with a very humble material that has filled the pages of History when given the opportunity to stop being a mere construction element to become Architecture. Our goal is to elevate fired clay through design and a respectful, traditional and artisanal hand-making process.

Our team at todobarro is made of people committed to said goal. Designers and craftsmen work hand-in-hand, the firsts using design and rendering softwares and the latters using organic elements, such as clay and fire.

We’ve designed our tile combinations with the intention of making them compatible with each other. This allows us to offer endless possibilities of exclusive designs, enhanced by the variety and richness of the shades and hues resulting from the artisanal craft of each piece. Our Antique texture, along with the aforementioned geometrical compatibility, gives these tessellations the harmony and singular beauty of old, well-preserved paviments.

Una apuesta por la diferencia

The use of sustainable materials such as clay in the construction sector shows us that there is a new way for us to engage with the spaces we inhabit. Our tiles are ecologically sourced products handcrafted by master craftsmen in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. The result is warm, natural and sustainable tile combinations that provide distinction and originality to any given environment.

We have installed our floors in private homes, houses or apartments, restaurants, architecture studios even in towers for tourism. One of the qualities of our terracotta tiles is that it adapts to all and kinds of decorative trends, as can be seen in our published projects.

The combined formats are especially suited to play and experience with the geometry and the potential of each piece. The tessellations can be sober, orderly and elegant or they can be fun, different and even, in some cases, daring by creating a certain feeling of movement.

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Union Europea
Todobarro Soluciones SL ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2023. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Málaga.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Una manera de hacer Europa.
ISO 9001