The Escuela de Arte de Granada visited our ceramic LAB
Dedicating resources to innovation turns one into a reference point for those who are currently expanding their knowledge. Therefore, we are proud of the visit from the Escuela Arte Granada at our todobarro LAB.
The innovation we apply in our clay craftsmanship and in the design of our ceramic products is quite attractive for interior decorators, but we also want it to be interesting for the most inquisitive future minds of the industry. Within this context, the first-year students of the Interior Design degree of the Escuela Arte Granada took an interest in our most avant-garde work, and nothing could have made us happier. The professor Silvia Garcia informed us of this request for knowledge from her students and, since there is no better place than our LAB for this purpose, we received them there.
During this very interesting day, the students were able to see first-hand the inspiration for our work and the lines along which we focus our development and design for new products, as well as our ongoing quality control processes
The innovation we apply to our clay craftsmanship and to the design of ceramic products is quite attractive for interior decorators, but also for the most inquisitive minds of the industry.
During their visit we also offered them a comprehensive tour through all the stages of production of a neo-artisan clay tile. This itinerary offered the future professionals from the EAG the experience of seeing the full circuit for each tile, among the activities: cutting, drying, firing, the glazing process, as well as the second firing.
The students were able to enjoy a full day surrounded by the warmth of our laboratory. For us at todobarro, it is always an honour for future professionals to notice us and to have the curiosity to find out about and learn our methodology. Because in the end, they will be the ones who will apply it in their projects and careers in the future.
It was an honour and a great pleasure. We hope to see you again soon at todobarro!